The University fom A to Z
The bachelor's and master’s system replaces the previous Diplom and Magister degrees. The Bachelor's degree is the first academic degree you can achieve after an average of six semesters of study. The Bachelor's thesis is your final paper in the basic degree programme. A distinction is made between different degrees depending on the subject: In the humanities you receive a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and in the natural sciences a Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.).
Unlike at school, students have to put together their own timetable. Study advisors recommend arranging the timetable so that the number of courses attended does not exceed 15 to 20 hours per week. For every hour spent on courses, there is an additional hour for reading and studying before and after class.
The course catalogue provides information on which modules should be taken in the respective semester. It also states where and when the respective courses take place and which lecturer oversees them. The annotated course catalogues of the faculties then explain in more detail what the exact content of the course is, what the requirements are for participation, how to register and what accompanying reading is recommended.
The selection procedure is always used when more applicants are expected for a degree programme than there are places available. In simplified terms, the allocation of places for degree programmes with local admission restrictions is carried out by means of two ranking lists: one list according to average grade and one according to waiting time. If fewer of the admitted candidates accept their place, the so-called "Nachrückverfahren" or lottery procedure is used.
The Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz) is a state financial aid for German students. The aim of the support is to enable every young person to receive an education. Bafög must be applied for separately and is only granted under certain conditions. Half of the Bafög must be paid back after graduation.
The Bologna Process is a higher education reform from 1999 and aims to create a common European higher education framework. With the Bachelor's and Master's system, uniform ECTS credits and a modularisation of curricula, European universities are to work more closely together. The Bologna Process is also intended to promote student mobility and the standardisation of higher education systems.
The campus includes all facilities, buildings and houses of Magdeburg University. In addition to the lecture halls and teaching buildings, it also consists of the refectory, library and halls of residence. In Magdeburg there is the Campus Universitätsplatz, the Campus Zschockestraße and the Medical Campus.
The curriculum regulates the organizational and content-related structure of your studies. The course of studies is laid down here.
The Campus Service Center (CSC) is the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg's service offer for students. Here you can get quick and competent help on the topics of application, change of address, exmarticulation, change of degree programme or student ID. You can also have your student ID card printed here.
The dissertation is a scientific paper for the purpose of obtaining a doctorate.
Exmatriculation ends your membership at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. Exmatriculation can have various reasons:
- Successful completion of studies
- Independent termination of studies
- Automatic exmatriculation due to failed examinations
Exmatriculation usually takes place at the end of the current semester unless you choose an immediate exmatriculation date or exmatriculation is ex officio. You can apply for exmatriculation at the CSC!
Exmatriculation ends your membership at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. Exmatriculation can have various reasons:
- Successful completion of studies
- Independent termination of studies
- Automatic exmatriculation due to failed examinations
Exmatriculation usually takes place at the end of the current semester unless you choose an immediate exmatriculation date or exmatriculation is ex officio. You can apply for exmatriculation at the CSC!
Erasmus is a programme of the European Union to promote student mobility for learning and study purposes. With Erasmus you can study for one or two semesters at a European university, improve your language skills, get to know new cultures and continue to collect credit points for your university degree at OVGU.
The student councils are student self-governments and represent the interests of a subject. They organize the introductory week, are the point of contact for student concerns and help with questions about the degree programme.
At universities, groups of related academic fields are organized into faculties. The faculty is thus a teaching or administrative unit in which students, teaching staff and non-academic staff are organized. Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg has nine faculties.
Auxiliary scientists are students who work for a university institution (chairs, international office, press and public relations). In close consultation with and in line with the timetable, students can thus earn extra money and gain practical experience. HiWis are also welcome to work as tutors.
The word matriculation may sound a little complicated to many students, but ultimately it is the enrolment for a degree programme. Once you have been accepted by the university, matriculation is your membership at Magdeburg University. Only when you are enrolled can you take examinations.
The institute is the organizational body of a subject and thus the subdivision of a faculty. Institutes consist of at least one, but usually several chairs. For example, the Institute of German Studies is part of the Faculty of Humanities.
The colloquium is a supplementary event to a lecture or seminar in which special academic topics are dealt with. Students' final theses are often discussed academically in the colloquium. In this way, students receive direct feedback from fellow students and teaching staff on the writing process of their thesis.
Students receive a certificate for completed courses, which is forwarded to the examination office. These certificates are acquired through examinations, written examinations, presentations etc.
The LSF is a homepage for teaching, studies and research and provides information about the university, about courses, degree programmes, the structure, the structure of the organizational units and about university members. In the LSF, students can also view their grades, register for exams or create their timetable.
The Master's degree is the second academic degree that directly follows and builds on the Bachelor's degree. The standard period of study for a Master's degree is usually four semesters, during which 90-120 credit points must be earned, depending on the degree programme.
In university parlance, the matriculation number is a student's individual identification number. Upon enrolment, each student is automatically assigned a matriculation number, which must be stated for administrative procedures, examinations, homework and papers.
A module is a teaching unit consisting of several courses on one subject area. For example, a module can consist of a lecture and two seminars, in which a certain number of credit points must be achieved.
Each degree programme has a detailed module handbook in which the individual modules are described in detail. Here you will find all the information on participation requirements, subject areas, credit points and examinations.
Application Portal myOVGU
You can apply for most of the OVGU degree programmes (except Medicine and Bachelor Psychology) in the myOVGU application portal. To do so, you can register there, check the status of your application and fill out your complete applications online. You will then receive the applications for download. You can also enroll on the portal. The portal also tells you which documents you need to send to OVGU.
Further information on enrolment and application can be found here.
Student Portal myOVGU
The myOvgu portal for students contains central functions. Here you can view and change your contact details, as well as your passport photo. It is also possible to print out certificates of enrolment and to re-register for the new semester. Applications for students who are already enrolled at OVGU and changes of degree programme can be made in the myOVGU portal.
Further information about the myOvgu portal can be found here.
The Numerus Clausus (NC) is used in subjects that are in high demand and defines the grade point average of the Abitur (High School Diploma) that is required at the beginning of the degree programme in order to be admitted to a degree programme with restricted admission. The NC is not determined in advance by the University of Magdeburg but results anew in each selection procedure.
In an internship, you acquire job-related knowledge and skills that are supplemented by the theoretical knowledge of the degree programme. The field of application and duration of the internship depend on the respective degree programme. In some degree programmes, entire practical semesters are compulsory.
The Examinations Office is responsible for organizing examinations and related matters, such as exam admissions or the recognition of achievements.
The examination regulations define the requirements for examinations in the respective degree programmes. They regulate the admission requirements, the examination procedure and the awarding of credit points.
The standard period of study defines the period in which a full course of study with all its requirements can be completed. However, this is only a guideline. The standard period of study differs from degree programme to degree programme and is stipulated in the examination regulations, among other things.
Re-registration at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg is done by paying the semester fee within the designated deadline. Re-registration takes place before each semester and must be done by the students themselves.
The certificate of a completed examination in a course is abbreviated with the term "Schein".
The semester fee is a social contribution which is mainly intended to cover the running costs of the Studentenwerk Magdeburg and the student self-administration. The semester contribution also includes the costs for the semester ticket.
The MVB (Magdeburger Verkehrsbetriebe) semester ticket enables students to use public transport in the city of Magdeburg. The semester ticket in Magdeburg is only valid on MVB tram and bus lines in daytime and connecting traffic. DB lines and regional bus lines are excluded!
Semester hours per week (or also just SWS) quantify the amount of study that is prescribed per week in a semester. Lectures, tutorials and seminars are usually given as 2 SWS. One SWS lasts 45 minutes (corresponds to 2 x 45 minutes per week).
It is possible to change your degree programme while you are studying at the University of Magdeburg. However, this process depends on various factors and sometimes differs significantly depending on the faculty. The General Student Advisory Service is available to students for enquiries and initial consultations.
In a tutorial, students work in small groups under the supervision of older students (tutors) to deepen their knowledge of course content. Tutorials are often offered in addition to lectures.
The UniCard is an ID card for all enrolled students. It functions as a library card, semester ticket for public transport and as a cash card in the refectory or for copying and printing on campus. Its validity is only extended when it is successfully re-registered and updated at the validation stations.
The University Computer Centre (URZ) offers a wide range of communication services. The URZ is happy to help with questions about W-LAN, the computer pool, mail accounts, software programmes or printing, scanning and copying.
The University Library (UB) is located on the main campus directly opposite the refectory. It is not only a place to study, write homework and read books. Large group study rooms (carrels) also offer the opportunity to work on papers with the lecture group. There are also numerous photocopiers available.